Week 0 Homework

QTM 220

Mean and Standard Deviation Review


If you have a list of numbers \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\), the mean (which we call \(\bar X\)), is the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers. \[ \bar X = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i \]

The standard deviation (which we call \(\hat\sigma\)) is a measure of how spread out the numbers are. It’s meant to be what it sounds like: the standard (usual) deviation (distance) of number in the list from the list’s mean.

\[ \hat \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i - \bar X)^2 \]

Here to come up with one number describing what’s ‘standard’, instead of just taking the average, we do something different. We square our deviations, take the average of squares, and use the square root of the result. This still gives us a number that measures the size of ‘a deviation’ instead of ‘a squared deviation’ because we’ve taken the square root after averaging. But by averaging the squares, we’re effectively making bigger deviations ‘count more’ than smaller ones.1

In the figure above, we visualize a list of n=1000 numbers as purple dots. The x-coordinates are their values \(X_i\) and their y-coordinates are their index \(i\) in the list. The solid blue line indicates their mean \(\bar X\) and the dashed lines one standard deviation away from the mean in either direction, i.e., \(\bar X \pm \hat\sigma\). We also include a histogram of the numbers to show the density of dots near different values of \(x\). As you think about the following exercises, it might make sense to think about what a visualization like this might look like for the lists you’re working with.


Exercise 1  

Each of the following lists has a mean of 50. For which is the standard deviation biggest? Smallest?

  1. 0, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100.
  2. 0, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 100
  3. 0, 1, 2, 50, 98, 99, 100

It’s biggest for list 3 and smallest for list 2. This is easy to see if you plot the lists.

As you count inward from the left or right, there are 3 points before you get to the mean. For all 3—the first (furthest), second (middle), and third (closest)—the distance to the mean is at least as large in list 3 as it is in list 1 which is at least at large as it is in list 2.

You can do this without plotting by just looking at the lists of numbers and counting inward from the left and right. That’s what I’d do if I were just answering the question for myself. The plot just makes it a little easier to talk about.

Exercise 2  

For the two lists below, calculate the mean and standard deviation of the numbers. Then compare the your answers for the two lists. Think about this comparison. How is the first list related to the second? How does this relationship carry over to the mean? The standard deviation?

  1. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
  2. 6, 8, 9, 10, 12

The mean of the first is 4 and the second is 9. If we list the deviations from the mean, \(Y_i-\bar Y\), we get the same thing in either case: -3, -1, 0, 1, 3. And the standard deviation for both lists, the root mean square of that list of deviations, \(\sqrt{\{ (-3)^2 + (-1)^2 + 0^2 + 1^2 + 3^2\}/5} = \sqrt{20/5} = \sqrt{4} = 2\).

Observing the second list is just the first one shifted up by 5, we know that the mean will be shifted up by 5 as well. We wouldn’t really have to calculate it if we noticed that and knew the mean of the first. And we know the standard deviation will be the same because deviations \(Y_i-\bar Y\) and any summaries of them, e.g. their root mean square or mean absolute value, are shift-invariant.

Exercise 3  

Repeat this exercise for a new pair of lists.

  1. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
  2. 3, 9, 12, 15, 21

This time the second list is the first one multiplied by 3. That means both its mean and standard deviation are multiplied by 3. List one, which we saw in the last problem, has mean 4 and standard deviation 2, so List 2 has mean 12 and standard deviation 6.

Exercise 4  

Repeat it again.

  1. 5, -4, 3, -1, 7
  2. -5, 4, -3, 1, -7

This time the second list is the first one multiplied by -1. That means its mean is multiplied by -1 and its standard deviation is multiplied by \(|-1|=1\). For list one, the mean is \(10/5=2\) and the standard deviation is \(\sqrt{\{ (3)^2 + (-6)^2 + (1)^2 + (-3)^2 + (5)^2\}/5} = \sqrt{80/5} = \sqrt{16}=4\). For list two, the mean is \(-2\) and the standard deviation is also \(4\).


Exercise 5  

Can a standard deviation ever be negative? Explain.

No. It’s the square root of an average of squares. Squares are nonnegative, averages of nonnegative numbers are nonnegative, and square roots of nonnegative numbers are nonnegative.

Exercise 6  

For set of positive numbers, can the standard deviation ever be larger than the average? Explain.

Yup. Consider the list \(0,0,3\). The mean is \(3/3=1\) and the deviations are from this mean are \(-1, -1, 2\). Each is at least as big as the mean and the root mean square of them is \(\sqrt{6/3} = \sqrt{2}\). You can make this example more extreme by using a list of \(n-1\) zeros and one \(n\). You still get mean \(1\), but the standard deviation \(\sqrt{\{n \times (-1)^2 + n^2\}/n} = \sqrt{1+n}\) can be made arbitrarily large by increasing \(n\).

The essential phenomenon this shows is that the standard deviation is sensitive to extremes in a way that the mean is not. By increasing \(n\) in the ‘more extreme’, example we’re increasing the standard deviation without changing the mean by making the extremes bigger.


Consider the three histograms below.

Exercise 7  

The means of the samples we’ve histogrammed are approximately 0.3, 0.7, 0.5. Which histogram corresponds to which mean?

Histogram 1 corresponds to the mean 0.7, Histogram 2 corresponds to the mean 0.3, Histogram 3 corresponds to the mean 0.5.

Exercise 8  

True or false: the standard deviation of the sample summarized by Histogram 1 is a lot smaller than the one summarized by Histogram 2. Explain.

False. The spread of those two distributions is pretty similar.

Histogram 1

Histogram 2

Histogram 3

Supreme Court Justices

The Data

Start R and run this block to get the dataset we’ll be working with.

EMdata = read.csv("https://qtm285-1.github.io/assets/data/EMdata.csv")
  • This data is on 27 justices from the Warren (’53 - ’69), Burger (’69 - ’86), and Rehnquist (’86 - ’05) courts
  • The data can be interpreted as a census of justices for the 1953 - 2005 era. Each row is a justice and each column is a variable. The column ‘justice’ is the name of the justice. We’ll be looking at a few other variables.
    • CLlib: The percentage of votes in liberal direction for each justice in civil liberties cases
    • party: the political party that nominated the justice (Republican =0, Democrat=1)
    • ur: the justice is a member of an under-represented group, such as a racial or gender minority (under-represented group=1, not in under-represented group=0)
  • To get you started, I’m going to plot a histogram of the percentage of liberal votes, identifying the mean with a vertical line. You may want to edit this code to answer future questions.
CL.histogram = ggplot(EMdata) + 
           geom_histogram(aes(x=CLlib, y=after_stat(density)), 
                          bins=10, alpha=.3, color='black') +  
                          color="blue") +
           xlab("% Support for Liberal Position on Civil Liberties Cases (CLlib)")


Exercise 9  

Write your own function to calculate the standard deviation of CLlib (i.e. not using “sd”) and report it. Use ‘sd’ to check your answer.2 Draw a new figure that adds, to the plot above, vertical lines indicating the mean plus and minus 1 and 2 standard deviations. What is the substantive interpretation of this mean?

Tip. To make the plot easier to read and talk about, style these lines differently. I tend to use dashed lines for one standard deviation and dotted lines for two. To do that, pass linetype="dashed" or linetype="dotted" after the color argument for geom_vline.

my.sd = function(x) { 
  deviations = x-mean(x)

CL.histogram + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(CLlib)-my.sd(CLlib)), linetype="dashed", color="blue") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(CLlib)+my.sd(CLlib)), linetype="dashed", color="blue") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(CLlib)-2*my.sd(CLlib)), linetype="dotted", color="blue") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(CLlib)+2*my.sd(CLlib)), linetype="dotted", color="blue")

The substantive interpretation of this mean is that 51% of justices vote in a liberal direction on civil liberties cases.

Exercise 10  

Replicate the plot above, i.e. a histogram with lines for the mean plus or minus two standard deviations, for the variable ‘ur’. What is this mean? And what is its substantive interpretation?

ur.histogram = ggplot(EMdata) + 
           geom_bar(aes(x=ur, y=after_stat(prop)), 
                        alpha=.3, color='black') +  
                          color="blue") +
           xlab("Distribution of Justices who are in Under-Represented Groups")

ur.histogram + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(ur)-my.sd(ur)), linetype="dashed", color="blue") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(ur)+my.sd(ur)), linetype="dashed", color="blue") + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(ur)-2*my.sd(ur)), linetype="dotted", color="blue") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(ur)+2*my.sd(ur)), linetype="dotted", color="blue") + 

The mean of this distribution is roughly 0.11. This means that roughly 11.11% of justices who served in the Warren, Burgen, and Rehquist courts are from under-represented groups.

It wasn’t really necessary to plot the mean here, as for a binary variable the mean corresponds to the frequency of ones, which is already shown in the plot.

Exercise 11  

Draw two histograms of CLlib, one for Republican-nominated justices and one for Democrat-nominated justices. Calculate the mean of CLlib in each group. Which is larger, the mean among Republican-nominated justices or Democrat-nominated justices? Give a substantive interpretation of this difference.

plot.party = function(thisparty) {
  ggplot(EMdata[EMdata$party == thisparty, ]) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(x=CLlib, y=after_stat(density)), 
                   bins=10, alpha=.3, color='black') +  
               color=ifelse(thisparty == 0, "red", "blue")) +
      xlab(sprintf("%% Support for Liberal Position on Civil Liberties Cases (CLlib) for %s-nominated Justices", ifelse(thisparty == 0, "Republican", "Democrat")))


The mean among Democrat-nominated justices, 59%, is larger than the mean among Republican justices, 44%. This means that Democrat-nominated justices vote in the liberal direction on civil liberties cases 15.19% more frequently, on average, than Republican justices do.

Exercise 12  

Below, I’ve drawn a scatter plot of CLlib with the nominating party as the x-axis. I’ve used stat_summary to draw in the mean plus and minus two standard deviations for each group. Calculate these means and standard deviations and report the mean and endpoints of the intervals that have been drawn in. Check your answer by visually for agreement with the plot. Can you give a substantive interpretation of these intervals?

party mean sd lb ub
0 44.11333 17.76485 8.583638 79.64303
1 59.30000 22.14177 15.016451 103.58355

The resulting intervals are 15.02%-103.58% for Democrats and 8.58%-79.64% for Republicans. Substantively, this tells us that justices outside these ranges behave pretty atypically for a justice nominated by the party that nominated them.

Looking at the scatter plot, you can see that, in fact, no justices are outside these ranges. Given that, it’d probably be better to just report the range of values for each group instead of these \(\pm 2\text{sd}\) intervals.

There is not a probabilistic interpretation to be had here. There’s nothing random about this sample.

mean_sd = function(x,mult=1) { 

civil.liberties.plot = ggplot(EMdata) +  
  geom_point(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), 
             position=position_jitter(w=.1, h=0), alpha=.4) + 
  stat_summary(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), geom="pointrange", 
               fun.data=mean_sd, fun.args = list(mult=2)) +
  xlab("Nominating Party") + 
  ylab("%Support for Liberal Position on CL Cases")


Exercise 13  

Repeat the exercise above, using the variable ‘ur’ instead of ‘CLlib’. Draw your own plot.

ur.plot = ggplot(EMdata) +  
  geom_point(aes(x=party, y=ur), 
             position=position_jitter(w=.1, h=0), alpha=.4) + 
  stat_summary(aes(x=party, y=ur), geom="pointrange", 
               fun.data=mean_sd, fun.args = list(mult=2)) +
  xlab("Nominating Party") + 
  ylab("Underrepresented Group Status")


summaries = EMdata |> group_by(party) |> 
  summarize(mean = mean(ur), sd = sd(ur)) |>
  mutate(lb = mean - 2*sd, ub = mean + 2*sd)
party mean sd lb ub
0 0.1333333 0.3518658 -0.5703982 0.8370649
1 0.0833333 0.2886751 -0.4940169 0.6606836

The resulting intervals are -0.49-0.66 for Democrats and -0.57-0.84 for Republicans.

I don’t think there’s a great substantive interpretation to be had for these intervals. If we borrow our interpretation from the previous questions, and say that it’s atypical for a justice to be outside these ranges, we’d effectively be saying that because both intervals contain 0 and don’t contain 1, it’s atypical for justices nominated by either party to be in under-represented groups. That’s already conveyed much more simply by looking at the frequencies themselves: only 8% of justices nominated by Democrats are in under-represented groups and only 13% of justices nominated by Republicans are in under-represented groups. It’s probably better to report these as 1 of 12 and 2 of 15, too, since comparing a percentage amounting to one person to another amounting to two people probably isn’t all that meaningful.

Frequencies, Indicators and Means


Look at this list of numbers. \[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \]

How many of those numbers are greater than or equal to 3? 3/5 of them are. We pronounce this ‘3 out of 5’, but if we take the division sign in there seriously, we get \(3/5 = .6\). \(.6\)—often we say, equivalently, 60%—is the frequency that one of those five numbers is greater than or equal to 3.

We’ve been talking a lot about means so far and there is a connection. Frequencies are means. Let’s think of the list above as a sample of 5 numbers: \(Y_1=1, Y_2=2, \ldots\). And let’s define, in terms of these, a corresponding sample of zeros and ones, \(O_1 \ldots O_5\).

\[ O_i = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } Y_i \ge 3 \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \]

We call these indicators: \(O_i\) indicates whether \(Y_i\) is greater than or equal to \(3\) by being one if it is and zero if it isn’t. And for our list specifically, the indicator list can be written as

\[ O_1 = 0, \ O_2 = 0, \ O_3 = 1, \ O_4 = 1, \ O_5 = 1 \]

What’s the mean of our indicators \(O_1 \ldots O_5\)? \(.6\), right? That’s not a coincidence. The frequency that something happens is the mean of indicators that it does happen. Thinking this way will come in handy because we’ll talk about means a lot in this class and this lets us use all the same ideas to think about frequencies. We do this so often that we have a special notation for indicators. Instead of \(O_i\), we’d usually write \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\) so we don’t have to remember the meaning of a new letter—it’s all there. Indicators aren’t just for something being greater than equal to something else. We could, for example, talk about the indicators \(1_{=3}(Y_i)\) or \(1_{<0}(Y_i)\). I’ll leave it to you to work out what those mean.

Writing indicators this way makes it clear that what we’re doing is evaluating a function at \(Y_i\). A function that is defined like this. \[ 1_{\ge 3}(y) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } Y_i \ge 3 \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \qqtext{ for any value of $y$} \]

\(1_{=3}\) and \(1_{<0}\) are, of course, also functions. We call them indicator functions.

Calculating Frequencies in R

The R code we tend to use to calculate frequencies uses these connections. Here’s one phrased exactly the way we’ve been talking about it, where we first evaluate the indicator function \(1_{\ge 3}\) at the sample \(Y_1 \ldots Y_5\), to get the indicator variables \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_1) \ldots 1_{\ge 3}(Y_5)\), then take their mean to get the frequency we want.

Y = c(1,2,3,4,5)
ge.3 = function(x) { ifelse(x >= 3, 1, 0) }
freq.X.ge.3 = mean(ge.3(Y))
This is the list of numbers we’re talking about. \(Y_1 \ldots Y_n\).
This defines the indicator function \(1_{\ge 3}\)
This evaluates it to get the the indicator variables \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\) and takes their mean.
[1] 0.6

And here’s what we’d usually write in practice. It’s more compact.

mean(Y >= 3)
[1] 0.6

Indicators and Randomness

Let’s look at the relationship between indicators and random variables. We haven’t reviewed random variables yet, so it’s ok if you feel like you’re only following this halfway. That’s why this is here. We’re going to start talking about how to do calculations involving random variables soon — summing them, taking expected values, variances, etc. — and if you can engage with whatever haziness is there now and start formulating some questions or identifying places in this text where you’re not sure what’s going on, it’ll be easier for us to get what needs clarifying clarified before it starts to get in the way.

This section is just reading. There are no exercises involving random variables in this homework. And with good reason. These aren’t random samples in any meaningful sense. The list \(1,2,3,4,5\) is obviously a convenience sample. And thinking probabilistically about what happens in the supreme court is, if possible at all, something that requires a lot of subtlety and some data we don’t have here.

Random Variables, Briefly

For what it’s worth, here’s a vague description of what a random variable is that I find useful. A random variable is a convenient way of writing a probability distribution. That’s easy to define. A probability distribution is just a table of pairs — a value and a corresponding probability — where the probabilities are non-negative and sum to one. The values can be anything at all, but usually they’re numbers or pairs/triples/etc. of numbers.

Here’s the distribution of a random variable \(Y_i\) that represents the result of rolling a six-sided die.

probability value of \(Y_i\)
1/6 1
1/6 2
1/6 3
1/6 4
1/6 5
1/6 6

We talk about random variables instead of just probability distributions because it’s a lot easier to think about ‘the sum \(Y_1 + Y_2\) of two dice rolls’ than a table listing the outcomes 2…12 and the corresponding probabilities that they happen. I could tell you a lot about what happens when you roll 10 dice and sum them without being anywhere near able to tell you the probability of them summing to, say, 15.

Where Indicators Come In

Thinking of indicators as function evaluations is useful especially when we’re talking about randomness. What makes a function \(f\) a function is that the value of \(f(x)\) is determined by the value of \(x\)—input the same \(x\), get the same \(f(x)\). If you know the value of \(x\), then you know whether \(x\) is greater than or equal to 3, i.e. you know the value of \(1_{\ge 3}(x)\). This means that \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\) is a random variable that inherits all of its randomness from \(Y_i\). It means that you can write a turn a table describing the distribution of \(Y_i\) into a table describing the distribution of pairs \(Y_i, 1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\) without having to do a single calculation. You just add a column to the table. Here’s what we get when we do that for the die roll example above.

probability value of \(Y_i, 1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\)
1/6 1, 0
1/6 2, 0
1/6 3, 1
1/6 4, 1
1/6 5, 1
1/6 6, 1

To find the distribution of \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\) (alone), we sum up the probabilities where \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\) are 0 and 1.3

probability value of \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_i)\)
2/6 0
4/6 1


Drawing indicator functions into our data visualizations can help us get a sense of what they mean in the context of the data. In particular, it helps us identify cases where a lot of observations are just outside the region where the indicator is 1. Or just inside. This matters because it’s often effective to talk about frequencies—they’re simple and a lot of people feel comfortable with them—but saying things like ‘only 15% of people in Georgia live below the poverty line’ can be a way of concealing the truth if another 35% are just above it. We’ll be working with income data a few weeks from now. We’ll get a chance to see whether it’s possible to use frequencies to tell two different stories about the same reality.

In the plot below, the dots show the sample \(Y_1 \ldots Y_5 = 1 \ldots 5\) we were talking about earlier. And the blue-shaded rectangle shows the indicator function \(1_{\ge 3}\). The indicator values \(1_{\ge 3}(Y_1) \ldots 1_{\ge 3}(Y_5)\) are 1 for the points inside the rectangle and 0 for the points outside. The frequency we’ve been talking about is represented visually by the proportion of points inside this rectangle.

freq.data = data.frame(Y = c(1,2,3,4,5), 
                       X = c(1,1,1,1,1))

ggplot(freq.data) +
  geom_point(aes(x=X, y = Y)) +
  annotate("rect", xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymax = Inf, ymin = 3,
           alpha = .1,fill = "blue")                                                         
To draw a ‘scatter plot’ when we have Ys but no Xs, we need to make up some Xs. Here we’ve just used 1s so they all appear in one column.
This is ‘ggplot’ for the indicator \(1_{ge 3}\). More explicitly, it’s ggplot for the indicator \(1_{\in [-\inf, +\infty] \times [3, +\infty]}\), where \([-\inf, +\infty] \times [3, +\infty]\) is an infinitely wide ‘rectangle’ that starts at 3 on the y-axis and goes up to infinity.


All this—the R stuff and the visualizations — starts to get more useful when we have a larger list. We usually do. Let’s check that we’ve got all of this down by doing a few simple exercises using another list of five numbers, then move on to our supreme court data.

Exercise 14  

Here’s a new list of five numbers. \[ 3, 0, 1, 2, -1 \]

If we call these \(Y_1 \ldots Y_5\), what are the values of the indicator variables \(1_{\le 0}(Y_1) \ldots 1_{\le 0}(Y_5)\)?

\[ 0,1,0,0,1 \]

Exercise 15  

Calculate the frequency of numbers less than or equal to 0 three ways: by counting, by writing out indicators and taking the mean, and by writing R code. Are they all the same? I’m looking for a yes/no answer to this question. I’m hoping for a yes. If it’s a no and you’re not sure why, ask me about it.


Exercise 16  

Adapt the R code above to visualize this new list of numbers and our new indicator function \(1_{\le 0}\). It may help to sketch out what you want then translate your sketch into code. And when you’ve done that, check that the plot is, in fact, what you wanted to draw. Sometimes we mistranslate.

What I’m asking for here is the plot.

Hint. Assuming you’ve re-defined freq.data so that Y is the new list of numbers, all you’ve got to do is adjust the call to annotate to highlight the correct region.

freq.data = data.frame(Y = c(3,0,1,2,-1),
                       X = c(1,1,1,1,1))                                                     

ggplot(freq.data) +
  geom_point(aes(x=X, y=Y)) +
  annotate("rect", xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymax = 0, ymin = -Inf,
           alpha = .1,fill = "blue")                                                         
Here’s the re-defined freq.data.
This is what changed after that.

Now that we’ve got all this down, let’s think about the frequency a few things happen in the supreme court. Suppose I want indicators that support for liberal position on civil liberties cases among both parties is greater than or equal to 25%. Denoting percent of support as \(Y_i\), these can be written as \[ 1_{\ge 25}(Y_i) \qfor 1_{\ge 25}(y) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } y \ge 25 \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise.} \end{cases} \]

Exercise 17  

Calculate the frequency that support for the liberal position is greater than or equal to 25%. What is it?

It’s all but one justice: 26/27=0.962963. If you want code, this’ll do it.

[1] 0.962963

If you want to avoid writing a very small amount of code, go ahead and do it using this plot.

CLindicator25.plot = ggplot(EMdata) +  
  geom_point(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), 
             position=position_jitter(w=.1, h=0), alpha=.4) + 
  stat_summary(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), geom="pointrange",
              fun.data=mean_sd, fun.args = list(mult=2)) + 
  annotate("rect", xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymax = Inf, ymin = 25, alpha = .1,fill = "blue") +
  xlab("Nominating Party") + 
  ylab("%Support for Liberal Position on CL Cases")


What if we want to know the frequency that support for the liberal position exceeds 50% among justices nominated by Republicans? All we’ve got now is to do about the same thing with part of our sample — a subsample. The code below calculates the frequency.

Y = EMdata$CLlib
X = EMdata$party
mean(Y[X==0] >= 50)
[1] 0.3333333

And this code draws a plot to help us interpret it.

CLindicator50.repub.plot = ggplot(EMdata) +  
  geom_point(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), 
             position=position_jitter(w=.1, h=0), alpha=.4) + 
  stat_summary(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), geom="pointrange", 
               fun.data=mean_sd, fun.args = list(mult=2)) +  
  annotate("rect", xmin = -Inf, xmax = .5, ymax = Inf, ymin = 50, alpha = .1, fill = "blue") +
  xlab("Nominating Party") + 
  ylab("%Support for Liberal Position on CL Cases")


Missing Code

I’ve just noticed, while writing the solution, that I accidentally left out the code that generated this plot when I distributed the problem set. I’m sorry about that. I’ve added it above. If you come across something like that in the future and do want something it looks like I’ve accidentally left out, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll account for the fact that this code was missing when grading the exercise below.

Exercise 18  

What if we want to know how often support is greater than or equal to 50% among justices nominated by Democrats? Calculate this frequency. Then, by adapting the R code above, draw a plot to help you interpret it. Do you think this frequency is a reasonable summary of the way Democrat-nominated justices vote in civil liberties cases? With reference to the plot, explain why or why not. What about frequency 33% as a summary of the way Republican-nominated justices vote?

CLindicator50.dem.plot = ggplot(EMdata) +  
  geom_point(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), 
             position=position_jitter(w=.1, h=0), alpha=.4) + 
  stat_summary(aes(x=party, y=CLlib), geom="pointrange", 
               fun.data=mean_sd, fun.args = list(mult=2)) +  
  annotate("rect", xmin = .5, xmax = Inf, ymax = Inf, ymin = 50, alpha = .1, fill = "blue") +
  xlab("Nominating Party") + 
  ylab("%Support for Liberal Position on CL Cases")

This was what changed.

dem.ge50 = mean(Y[X==1] >= 50)
[1] 0.5

The support is greater than or equal to 50% for 50% of Democrat-nominated justices. Looking at the plot, I don’t think this is a good summary of the way Democrat-nominated justices vote because a bunch near but below the threshold but very few near but above it. So this effectively undersells the frequency of support for liberal positions among Democrat-nominated justices: if we’d said, e.g., 70% support instead of 50%, we’d have a reasonably similar frequency of 42% for a much higher rate of support; if we’d said 40% support instead, w’d have a much higher frequency of 75% for a reasonably similar rate of support.

For Republican-nominated justices, this summary is a bit less problematic because the data is less clustered near the threshold. In particular, there is no ‘blank spot’ where we can shift the threshold to claim a higher/lower level of support with similar frequency as there is for Democrat-nominated justices.


  1. Usually we don’t really need to think at this level of subtlety to have the right intuition. Thinking ‘the usual deviation’ is enough. But it’s good to know what’s going on under the hood in case you do need it.↩︎

  2. You may be slightly off. In particular, you may be off by a factor of 26/27. That’s ok. There are two conventions for calculating the sample standard deviation—one involves division by \(n\) and the other \(n-1\).↩︎

  3. This is called marginalization.↩︎