Lab 1

Probability Background: Sampling

Today, We Make An Important Decision

#| label: ggplot-theme
#| include: false


lightgray = "#bbbbbb"
gridcolor = rgb(0,0,0,.1, maxColorValue=1)

lab.theme = theme(
        plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA),
                    legend.background = element_rect(fill="transparent", colour = NA),
           = element_rect(fill="transparent", colour = NA),
                    legend.key = element_rect(fill="transparent", colour = NA),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x  = element_text(colour = lightgray),
        axis.text.y  = element_text(colour = lightgray),
        axis.title.x  = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y  = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor=element_line(colour=gridcolor, linewidth=0.25))

  • I’m going to need six participants to help.
    • This is a paid position, but the pay isn’t great.
    • The real benefit of participating is influence.
  • These people will be our population.
  • And we’re going to poll them to find out which of two things they tend to prefer.
  • We’re not, of course, going to talk to our whole population. That’s just too much work.


  • By sampling, we’re going to cut our effort by half. That’s what sampling is for.
  • Often, people aren’t clear about how they actually get their sample.
    • Or they are clear, but do the math as if they’d sampled some other way.
    • Maybe that’s ok. If doing the math ‘right’ and doing it ‘wrong’ lead to the same inferences …
    • … go ahead and do it wrong. You might say you’re using a simplifying approximation.
  • Today, we’re going to look into how much how we sample affects inference.

Our Population

  • Now we’ve got a population. You know who you are.
  • When we’re doing math and we say ‘the population’, we tend to refer to a version without irrelevant detail.
  • We boil them down to a list of numbers. Here, that’s preferences. 0 for thing A. 1 for thing B.

\[ y_1 \ldots y_m \qqtext{ is the standard notation.} \]

  • To get a sense of what a population looks like, we can plot one.
  • But because we’re not going to talk to our whole population, we’ll have to make one up.
#| label: define-population

m = 6
pop = data.frame(j=1:m, 
                 y=rep(c(0,1), m/2))
scales = list(scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:m),
              scale_y_continuous(breaks = (0:3/3), labels=sprintf("%d/3", 0:3))) 

pop.plot = ggplot(pop, aes(x = j, y = y)) + 
           geom_point(shape='circle', alpha=.1, size=5) + 
  • Step 1. We define our population.

    • We have \(m=6\) people. We’ll use the letter \(j\) when we’re counting them out.
    • We record their preferences.
  • Step 2. To make our plots nice, we calculate x and y ‘scales’ describing the grid we want.

  • Step 3. We plot their preferences. What does the \(\color{gray} x\)-coordinate here mean?

  • … is the proportion of these people who prefer B, i.e. who have \(y_j=1\).

  • This could be pretty easy because we’ve just looked at all the ys.

  • But we’re going to make it hard for ourselves by acting as if we haven’t.

  • This practice of fake data simulation is an important tool when understanding methods.

    1. We make up a fake population.
    2. Run a fake (i.e. simulated) study on them exactly like we’re planning to do.
    3. Compare the resulting estimate to the thing we wanted to estimate.
  • Because it’s fake, we get to poll the whole population so …

    1. We know what the right answer is. If we don’t, we don’t have a well-defined question.
    2. We can run the study over and over again to look at the distribution of estimates.
  • If we’re not satisfied with that distribution, that’s evidence it’s a study we shouldn’t be running.

  • Once we’ve done this for a few study designs and seen what works — or at least what doesn’t,…

  • … we’ll choose one to use on our actual population. One that, according to plan, hasn’t been polled yet.

If you’re not convinced this is a good idea, check out what Andrew Gelman has to say about it.

\[ \text{estimand} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{j=1}^m y_j \]

#| label: calculate-estimand
estimand = mean(pop$y)       
pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimand,
                      color='green', linewidth=2, alpha=.2)

Estimating It

  • Let’s assume we’ve been given a sample. Some list of preferences.

\[ Y_1 \ldots Y_N \qqtext{ is the standard notation.} \]

  • This one. I’ve taken my plot of the population and colored in the dots I talked to.
sampling.rate = 1/2

N = round(m * sampling.rate)
sam = pop[1:N, ]

sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_point(aes(x=j, y=y), data=sam, 
                                 size=5, color='blue', alpha=.5) 

\[ \text{estimator} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N Y_i \qqtext{ where } Y_1 \ldots Y_N \qqtext{ is our sample } \]

estimator = function(sam) { 
  Y = sam$y     
sam.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimator(sam))
  • The horizontal line shows the mean of my sample \(Y_1 \ldots Y_n\).
  • That is, the fraction of times I head ‘I prefer B’ when I ask someone’s preference.
  • People often talk as if both \(Y_i\) and \(y_j\) are the same kind of thing. e.g. people’s preferences.
    • That’s a source of a lot of confusion because they aren’t.
    • To make this clear, it helps to be a bit concrete.
  • Let’s suppose we’re doing a poll by phone. The way we find out someone’s preference is to call them.
    • \(y_j\) is a person’s preference. A real person. e.g. the \(j\)th one in the phone book.
    • \(Y_i\) is an utterance. It’s what we hear on our \(i\)th call.
  • In this class, no matter what the context, I’ll say ‘\(i\)th call’ and ‘\(j\)th’ person.
    • It could be a quality control application in a brewery.
    • I’m opening and pouring a few beers to check that we haven’t overcarbonated.
    • My \(j\)th person is a can and my \(i\)th call is a glass.
  • As you can imagine, that’s not what people do in real life. And that’s ok.
    • Once you’re used to this stuff, you know what they mean.
    • And if you don’t, you can ask. You can say, e.g., do you mean ‘little \(y\)’ or ‘big \(Y\)’?

Why \(Y_i\) and \(y_j\)?

  • This notation helps remind us of what’s similar and what’s different.
    • We use the same letter to communicate that each (big) \(Y\) is somebody’s (little) \(y\).
    • We capitalize to communicate that \(Y_1\) isn’t \(y_1\).
    • In this class, I like to count them out with different letters too.
      • \(Y_i\) for \(i\) from \(1\) to \(n\). \(y_j\) from \(j\) from \(1\) to \(m\)
      • The other stuff is common practice. This counting stuff less so.
  • This same-but-capitalized thing is helpful in writing but not so great speaking.
    • It gets confusing because \(Y\) and \(y\) are usually pronounced the same.
    • Often, it’s clear from context what you mean.
      • Especially if you say the subscript.
      • \(Y_i\) and \(y_j\) sound like ‘why eye’ and ‘why j’
    • But when it’s not, we say ‘big \(Y\)’ and ‘little \(y\)


We’re going to repeat the process this many times.

R = 1000

To do that, I’m going to use the function map_vec from the package purrr. = function(x) { x + 1 } = 0:9 |> map_vec(
  • It takes two arguments — a list and a function — and calls the function on every element of the list.
    • Then gives you back a list — or actually a vector, hence ’_vec’ — of the results.
    • Lists and vectors being different in R. You can give it either.
  • vs. writing a for loop, this saves us the ‘filing’
    • It allocates the output vector and puts each function value into it.
    • To make it a one-liner, you can use an anonymous function. = 0:9 |> map_vec(\(x) x+1)
  • This is a built-in function most modern lanuages. Python, Julia, Scheme, Haskell, ML, etc.
    • And it’s always called ‘map’. Except in R. It’s built in, but it’s called ‘sapply’.
    • I tend to use the purrr version just because the name is better.
    • People speak the code above this way: ‘map [the function] over the vector zero through nine’
  • We’re using it for a reason that’s common but not the ‘usual reason’ people do.
    • We don’t actually care about getting passed every element of the list.
    • We just want to repeat something — something random — a bunch of times.
    • So we’ll pass it a list with the same thing repeated a bunch of times.
  • We’ll write a function that …
    • takes as input a population
    • samples the population
    • returns a sample mean—an estimate of the population mean.
  • We’ll run it R times on our population by mapping our function over a list containing R copies the population.
pops = rep(list(pop), R)
  • You may have noticed that I said map_vec is function of two arguments.
    • A list. Above, that’s 0:9.
    • A function. Above, that’s
  • You’d think I’d call it like this.
  • Instead, I called it like this.
0:9 |> map_vec(
  • This is called ‘piping’. We say the list 0:9 is ‘piped in’.
    • a |> f(...) is the same as f(a,...) for any function f and list of arguments ....
  • We use piping for the same reason we might say …
    • ‘take the list zero to nine and map over it’ …
    • vs. ‘map over the list zero to nine’.
  • It’s especially natural when you want to do a sequence of things to a list.
    • e.g., if we want to take the list zero to nine, add one to each element, then square each result.
square = function(x) { x^2 }
0:9 |> map_vec( |> map_vec(square) # in piped form
map_vec(map_vec(0:9,, square)     # in unpiped form

Step 1. Sampling with Replacement

  • To sample with replacement, roll a (\(m\)-sided) die \(N\) times.
    • We’re using \(m=6\), so it’s the kind of die you see a lot.
    • And we’re rolling \(N=3\) times.
  • The first roll tells you who we call first. The second, the second. etc.
    • If your \(i\)th roll is \(4\), \(Y_i=y_4\).
  • You can also pick balls numbered 1…m out of a hat. Or an urn. Whatever is at hand.
  • But you have to replace the ball you picked before you pick again.
estimate = NaN                                       
sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimate)    
  • Color in the dots you talked to.
    • If talked to the same one multiple times, draw in another dot.
  • Then draw a horizontal line indicating your estimate: the mean of your sample \(Y_1 \ldots Y_n\).
  • I’ve made the variable estimate NaN. That stands for Not a Number. Change it to a number.
    • ggplot will just ignore it until you do, but it’ll draw it in once you have.
    • That’ll give you a sense of how precisely you’ve drawn your line.
  • You can use the built-in whiteboard tool to do draw with your stylus, mouse, trackpad, etc.
    • You should be able to just draw with a stylus. If you want to scroll and change tabs instead, use a finger.
    • With a mouse or trackpad, double-click to open it the tool.
    • While in whiteboard mode, you can’t scroll, type, etc. Click the ‘x’ on the bottom panel to get out.
with.replacement = function(pop, sampling.rate=1/2) { 
  N = round(m * sampling.rate) 
  J = sample(1:m, N, replace=TRUE)
  sam = pop[J,]

estimator.samples =  pops |> map_vec(with.replacement)

ggplot(data.frame(sample=estimator.samples, rep=(1:R)/R)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=after_stat(prop)), alpha=.3) +
  geom_point(aes(x=sample, y=rep), position=position_jitter(w=.01,h=0), color='purple', alpha=.3) + 

Q. Why are there four bars?

  • Some of you may have called the same person twice. That feels a little wasteful.
    • If you were willing to make three calls, you could’ve gained more information.
    • People tend not to like this kind of sampling in real life.
  • But there is something to like. The math is easy.
  • We say the \(Y\)s in our sample are independent and identically distributed.
    • What you hear on one call tells you nothing about what you’ll hear on another if you’ve seen the population.
    • No two calls are different. The probability of each possible response is the same on all calls.
  • The independent thing can feel counterintuitive because they could be calls to the same person.
    • The second time you wouldn’t have to ask. You’d know their response.
    • Q. Why—informally—does this not make our \(Y\)s dependent?
    • Because it’s knowledge about a person, not a call.
    • If you’ve seen the population already, you wouldn’t have to ask anyone.

Design 2. Sampling without Replacement

  • To sample without replacement, we’re picking balls from a hat.
  • But this time, you don’t replace the ball you picked.
estimate = NaN                                       
sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimate)    
# editor-code-line-numbers: 2
without.replacement = function(pop, sampling.rate=1/2) {
  N = round(m * sampling.rate) 
  J = sample(1:m, N, replace=FALSE)
  sam = pop[J,]

estimator.samples =  pops |> map_vec(without.replacement)

ggplot(data.frame(sample=estimator.samples, rep=(1:R)/R)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=after_stat(prop)), alpha=.3) +
  geom_point(aes(x=sample, y=rep), position=position_jitter(w=.01,h=0), color='purple', alpha=.3) + 

In R, this a one line change to the sampling code.

  • People like this because it doesn’t feel wasteful. You don’t call the same person twice.
  • But it makes the math a bit harder. Calls aren’t independent.
  • So people often do this, and do the math as if they’d sampled with replacement.
  • The justification is that, with enough balls, you weren’t going to pick the same one twice anyway.
  • What do you think of this? Do you think it makes sense?

Design 3. Randomization a.k.a. Bernoulli Sampling

  • To sample by randomization, we have everyone in our population flip a coin.
  • Our sample is everyone who flips heads.
estimate = NaN                                       
sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimate)    
# editor-code-line-numbers: 2-3
by.randomization = function(pop, sampling.rate=1/2) {
  flips = rbinom(m, 1, sampling.rate)
  sam = pop[flips==1,]

estimator.samples =  pops |> map_vec(by.randomization)

ggplot(data.frame(sample=estimator.samples, rep=(1:R)/R)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=after_stat(prop)), alpha=.3) +
  geom_point(aes(x=sample, y=rep), position=position_jitter(w=.01,h=0), color='purple', alpha=.3) + 
  • The binomial distribution sampled by rbinom(m,k,1/2) is the distribution of the sum of \(k\) flips.
  • Taking \(k=1\), we get the sum of one flip. A flip.
  • Q. We’re getting more than 4 values. Why?
  • This one combines the benefits of the last two.
    • We don’t call anyone twice.
    • The math is easy because flips are independent.
  • But there’s a price. What is it?
  • Sample size is random. And zero is an option.
  • When we do this, our sample size is usually roughly half our population size.
  • What should we do if we want to get a sample roughly a sixth our population size? Or a third?
  • Are you equipped to do that?

Design 4. Convenience Sampling

  • A convenience sample is what it sounds like.
  • Pick any 3 people you want. Minimize effort.
estimate = NaN                                       
sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimate)    
  • What do you think about this? How do you analyze it?
  • Do you have enough intuition to sketch the distribution? Even a caricature?

Design 5. Shuffling

  • To sample by shuffling, put cards labeled 1…m in random order. e.g., by hand-shuffling well.
  • To get a sample of size N, pick N cards off the top.
estimate = NaN                                       
sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimate)    
  • It’s hard to shuffle six cards by hand, so I’m going to give you 24.
  • Ace-6 in all suits. Ace is 1.
  • Shuffle all of them, then take out the diamonds without changing their order.
  • That’s 1-6 shuffled. The other cards were just filler to help you shuffle.
# editor-code-line-numbers: 2
by.shuffling = function(pop, sampling.rate=1/2) {
  N = round(m * sampling.rate) 
  shuffled = sample(1:m, replace=FALSE) 
  sam = pop[shuffled[1:N],]

estimator.samples =  pops |> map_vec(by.shuffling)

ggplot(data.frame(sample=estimator.samples, rep=(1:R)/R)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=after_stat(prop)), alpha=.3) +
  geom_point(aes(x=sample, y=rep), position=position_jitter(w=.01,h=0), color='purple', alpha=.3) + 
  • This is how you shuffle in R. Why does it work? What does that tell you?

Design 6. Randomization then Sampling

  • First, our population flips flips. Then, treating the heads-flippers as our new population,…
  • … we roll an appropriately-sized die to make calls. As many calls as we want in our sample.
estimate = NaN                                       
sam.plot = pop.plot + geom_hline(yintercept=estimate)    
  • You probably don’t have the right die for this. Here’s a trick.
    • Roll a die with enough sides. Too many is fine.
    • Keep rolling until you get a number ≤ your sample size.
  • The result of your last roll is as if you’d rolled the right die.
  • This is called rejection sampling.
# editor-code-line-numbers: 2
randomization.then.sampling = function(pop, sampling.rate=1/2) {
  flips = rbinom(m, 1, sampling.rate)
  heads.pop = pop[flips==1,]
  N = round(m * sampling.rate) 
  N.heads = nrow(heads.pop) 
  J = sample(1:N.heads, N, replace=TRUE)
  sam = heads.pop[J, ]

estimator.samples =  pops |> map_vec(randomization.then.sampling)

ggplot(data.frame(sample=estimator.samples, rep=(1:R)/R)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(x=sample, y=after_stat(prop)), alpha=.3) +
  geom_point(aes(x=sample, y=rep), position=position_jitter(w=.01,h=0), color='purple', alpha=.3) + 
  • Q. Why are we talking about this? Have we talked about a two-step scheme?

Comparing the Results

sampling.rate = 1/2
all.samples = pops |> map(function(...) {
  data.frame(with.replacement=with.replacement(pop, sampling.rate),
             without.replacement=without.replacement(pop, sampling.rate),
             by.randomization=by.randomization(pop, sampling.rate),
             by.shuffling=by.shuffling(pop, sampling.rate),
             randomization.then.sample=randomization.then.sampling(pop, sampling.rate))
}) |> bind_rows() |> 
      names_to='sampling', values_to='estimate') 

ggplot(all.samples) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(x=estimate, y=after_stat(density), fill=sampling), alpha=.2) +
  facet_wrap(.~sampling, ncol=5)