Lab 5

A Game of Telephone

A Small Population

Alice Bob Charlie Dana Ed Frank Grace Heidi 40k 50k 60k 70k 80k 90k High School Diploma 2-Year Degree 4-Year Degree

\[ \begin{aligned} \theta_{\text{degrees}} &= \text{average in our population, over 2 and 4-year degrees, of the incremental value of the degree} \\ &=\frac{(\unicode{x25A0} - \unicode{x25B2}) + \class{fragment}{(\unicode{x25B2} - \unicode{x25CF})}}{2} \\ &=\sum_x \alpha(x) \mu(x) \qfor \alpha(x) = \begin{cases} \class{fragment}{\frac12}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25A0} \ 4-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac{-1 + 1}{2}=0}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25B2} \ 2-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{-\frac12}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25CF} \ high school diploma} \end{cases} \\ & \\ & \\ & \\ \theta_{\text{people}} &= \text{average in our population, over people with 2 and 4-year degrees, of the incremental value of their last degree} \\ &= \frac{4 \times (\unicode{x25A0} - \unicode{x25B2}) + \class{fragment}{2 \times (\unicode{x25B2} - \unicode{x25CF})}}{6} \\ &=\sum_x \alpha(x) \mu(x) \qfor \alpha(x) = \begin{cases} \class{fragment}{\frac46}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25A0} \ 4-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac{-4 + 2}{6}=-\frac26}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25B2} \ 2-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{-\frac26}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25CF} \ high school diploma} \end{cases} \\ \end{aligned} \]

A Sample

Alice Charlie Ed Grace Heidi 40k 50k 60k 70k 80k 90k High School Diploma 2-Year Degree 4-Year Degree

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat\theta_{\text{degrees}} &= \text{average in our sample, over 2 and 4-year degrees, of the incremental value of the degree} \\ &=\frac{(\unicode{x25A0} - \unicode{x25B2}) + \class{fragment}{(\unicode{x25B2} - \unicode{x25CF})}}{2} \\ &=\sum_x \hat\alpha(x) \hat\mu(x) \qfor \hat\alpha(x) = \begin{cases} \class{fragment}{-\frac12}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25A0} \ 4-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac{-1 + 1}{2}=0}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25CF} \ high school diploma} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac12}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25B2} \ 2-year degree} \end{cases} \\ & \\ & \\ & \\ \hat\theta_{\text{people}} &= \text{average in our sample, over people with 2 and 4-year degrees, of the incremental value of their last degree} \\ &= \frac{3 \times (\unicode{x25A0} - \unicode{x25B2}) + \class{fragment}{(\unicode{x25B2} - \unicode{x25CF})}} {4} \\ &=\sum_x \hat\alpha(x) \hat\mu(x) \qfor \hat\alpha(x) = \begin{cases} \class{fragment}{\frac34}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25A0} \ 4-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac{-3 + 1}{4}=-\frac24}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25CF} \ high school diploma} \\ \class{fragment}{-\frac14}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25B2} \ 2-year degree} \end{cases} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Another Sample

Alice Bob Charlie Dana Frank Heidi 40k 50k 60k 70k 80k 90k High School Diploma 2-Year Degree 4-Year Degree

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat\theta_{\text{degrees}} &= \text{average in our sample, over 2 and 4-year degrees, of the incremental value of the degree} \\ &=\frac{\class{fragment}{(\unicode{x25A0} - \unicode{x25B2})} + \class{fragment}{(\unicode{x25B2} - \unicode{x25CF})}}{2} \\ &=\sum_x \hat\alpha(x) \hat\mu(x) \qfor \hat\alpha(x) = \begin{cases} \class{fragment}{\frac12}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25A0} \ 4-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac{-1 + 1}{2}=0} &\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25B2} \ 2-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{-\frac12}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25CF} \ high school diploma} \end{cases} \\ & \\ & \\ & \\ \hat\theta_{\text{people}} &= \text{average in our sample, over people with 2 and 4-year degrees, of the incremental value of their last degree} \\ &= \frac{\class{fragment}{2 \times (\unicode{x25A0} - \unicode{x25B2})} + \class{fragment}{2 \times (\unicode{x25B2} - \unicode{x25CF})}}{4} \\ &=\sum_x \hat\alpha(x) \hat\mu(x) \qfor \hat\alpha(x) = \begin{cases} \class{fragment}{\frac24}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25A0} \ 4-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{\frac{-2 + 2}{4}=0}&\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25B2} \ 2-year degree} \\ \class{fragment}{-\frac24} &\qqtext{if} x=\text{\unicode{x25CF} \ high school diploma} \end{cases} \\ \end{aligned} \]


Writing the Code

A Bigger Version

$0k $25k $50k $75k $100k $125k $150k $175k $200k 12y 13y 14y 15y 16y 17y 18y 19y 20y

$0k $25k $50k $75k $100k $125k $150k $175k $200k 12y 13y 14y 15y 16y 17y 18y 19y 20y

\(x\) \(m_x\) \(\mu(x)\)
12 3.94K 28K
14 1.39K 39K
16 4.20K 39K
18 1.59K 86K
20 444.00 110K
\(x\) \(N_x\) \(\hat\mu(x)\)
12 555.00 30K
14 199.00 40K
16 549.00 41K
18 225.00 86K
20 61.00 112K
  • What is the average in our population, over the four degree types shown, of the incremental value of the degree?
  • How do we estimate it using our sample?
  • What is the average in our population, over people with these 4 degrees, of the incremental value of their last degree?
  • How do we estimate it using our sample?

A New Dataset

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 50 52 54 56 58 60

x \(N_x\) \(\hat\mu(x)\)
50 124 1
52 278 0.82
54 326 0.69
56 356 0.58
58 403 0.51
60 256 0.51
  • Menopausal Hormone Therapy, or MHT, is a treatment for the symptoms of menopause.
    • It’s said that it improves bone density.
    • But its effect does seem to depend on when it’s started.
  • What we see here is a plot of \(y\) vs \(x\) in a sample of people who receive MHT.
    • y: bone density at age 65
    • x: age at which MHT was started
  • Below, I’ve written out a few things you might estimate. Choose one.
  • Write it out in mathematical notation.
  • Pass your description to the person in the next row.
  • And then switch over the the R tab and compute an estimate yourself.
  • Warning.
    • Some of these descriptions are vague.
    • Part of your job is to come up with a sensible interpretation.
    • And express it clearly enough that the person in the next row can compute exactly the same thing you do.
  • Estimation targets.
    • The change in bone density you’d expect if everyone in your population who started treatment after 50 instead started at 50.
    • The change in bone density you’d expect if everyone in your population started treatment two years earlier than they did.
    • The change in bone density you’d expect if everyone in your population started treatment two years later than they did.
  • You’ll be passed a description of an estimation target.
    • Translate it into plain English.
    • Pass it to the person in the next row.
    • And then switch over the the R tab and compute an estimate yourself.
  • While you’re waiting on Row 1, here’s a warm up. Compute this. \[ \sum_{i : X_i < 60} \hat \mu(X_i+2) \]
  • Take the description passed to you.
    • Translate it into mathematical notation and hang on to it.
    • Then switch over to the R tab and compute an estimate yourself.
  • While you’re waiting on Row 2, here’s a warm up.
    • Translate this into mathematical notation.
    • The predicted average bone density if everyone in the population started treatment two years later than they did.
    • Then switch over the R tab and compute an estimate.