Lecture 11

Least Squares Regression in Linear Models

A Problem With Subsample Averages

Sometimes There Isn’t Much to Average

  • Very few people in our California CPS sample have less than 11 years of education.
    • There’s a good reason for this: CA law requires residents stay in school until they’re 18.
  • But that means our 8th-10th grade income averages are based on very few people.
  • And that makes them very sensitive to who, exactly, is in the sample.


8 12 16 20 individual incomes leave-one-out means individual incomes leave-one-out means individual incomes leave-one-out means individual incomes leave-one-out means

8 12 16 20 individual incomes bootstrap means individual incomes bootstrap means individual incomes bootstrap means individual incomes bootstrap means

  • If we leave even one person out of our 8th grade average, it changes a fair amount.
    • Each person’s income is 1/14th of that average.
    • We can see those changes in the ‘leave-one-out means’ plot on the left.
  • That’s not a problem with the 12th grade average.
    • Each person’s income is 1/605th of that average.
    • And the leave-one-out means barely change.
  • We see a more ‘statistical’ version of this by looking at the bootstrap means plot on the right.
    • The spread of these bootstrap means is a good approximation to the spread
      we get in the actual sample means when we sample from the population.
    • And it’s huge for folks with 8th grade educations.

Sometimes There’s Nothing to Average

8 12 16 20

  • When we break things out in additional dimensions, e.g. by race, we see a bigger problem.
  • We can’t even take an average of Black survey respondents with 8th grade educations.
  • There’s nobody in that column to average.


8 12 16 20

  • When we break things out by county, we have empty columns too.
  • We’ve sampled nobody in San Francisco with an 8th grade education.
  • This isn’t an edge case. This is common.

Extremely Common.

alameda san francisco los angeles orange 8 12 16 20

  • When we break things down in multiple dimensions, we have a lot of empty categories.
  • Even using 3 dimensions—race, county, and education—we have a lot of empties.
    • Those aren’t necessarily empty categories in the population: we’ve only sampled 1/2500 people.
    • But if we need to sample people in those groups to make predictions about them, we’re stuck.
      • We don’t have anything we can say about these unsampled groups.
      • So we can’t estimate any population summaries involving them.
  • So we need some way to make predictions for groups with no data.

A Partial Solution

sf bay area la area no 4-year degree 4-year degree

  • We’ve already seen a partial solution to this problem: coarsening.
  • Here we’ve coarsened in two dimensions.
    • We’ve coarsened education into two categories: 4-year degree (≥ 16 years) vs. no 4-year degree (< 16 years).
    • We’ve coarsened county into two areas: SF Bay Area (SF, Alameda) and LA Area (LA, Orange).
  • And it helps, but we have two problems.
    • We’ve renamed everything, so we’d have to redefine all our summaries. This is fixable.
    • We still have empty groups, although we have fewer. This is not.

We Need A General Solution

alameda butte el dorado fresno kern kings los angeles monterey orange placer sacramento san diego san francisco san joaquin san luis obispo san mateo santa barbara santa cruz shasta solano sonoma stanislaus tulare ventura yolo 8 12 16 20

  • This empty groups problem is a much bigger deal with this data
  • We’ve been looking at some of the most populous counties and common racial identities.
  • If we use all the counties in CA and all the identities the CPS includes, most groups are empty.
  • And the range of coarsening options is overwhelming.

Today’s Plan

sf bay area la area no 4-year degree 4-year degree

  • Today, we’re going to talk about how to deal with the problem of small or empty groups.
  • To make this more manageable, we’ll break things down into a two-step process.
    1. We’ll decide on a regression model: a set of functions we could use to make predictions.
    2. We’ll choose the best function from our model using the least squares criterion.
  • We call the function we choose this way the least squares predictor within our model.


The sample
An illustration of the population
  • So far, we’ve used \(\mu(x)\) to refer to mean of a column in the population plot.

\[ \mu(x) = \frac{1}{m_x}\sum_{j:x_j=x} y_j \quad \text{ for } m_x = \sum_{j:x_j=x} 1 \]

  • We’ve used \(\hat\mu(x)\) for one particular estimate of \(\mu(x)\): the mean of the corresponding column in the sample.

\[ \hat\mu(x) = \frac{1}{N_x}\sum_{i:X_i=x} Y_i \quad \text{ for } N_x = \sum_{i:X_i=x} 1 \]

  • From today on, we’ll be a bit more flexible with the meaning of \(\hat\mu\).
    • We’ll use \(\hat\mu(x)\) to refer to any estimator of the subpopulation mean \(\mu(x)\).
    • Which should be clear from context.

A Least Squares Interpretation of Means

Reinterpreting the Sample Mean

  • Let’s stop thinking about the sample mean procedurally, i.e., how we calculate it
  • Let’s think of it as a choice, i.e., the best number for summarizing the data according to some criterion.
  • Here are the outcomes \(Y_i\) for sampled Californians with 8 years of education and three potential summaries of the location of those outcomes:
    1. The sample mode (blue line)
    2. The sample median (orange line)
    3. The sample mean (red line)
  • All of these are reasonable summaries. And the best choice according to some reasonable criterion.
  • Criteria which, sensibly, look what’s left over when we compare our observations to our location summary.

\[ \hat\varepsilon_i = Y_i - \hat\mu \qquad \text{ are the \textbf{residuals}} \]


  • Here we’re looking at the residuals for each of our location summaries \(\hat\mu\).
    1. \(\hat\varepsilon_i = Y_i - \hat\mu\) when \(\hat\mu\) is the mode (blue points). It has the largest number of zero residuals.
    2. \(\hat\varepsilon_i = Y_i - \hat\mu\) when \(\hat\mu\) is the sample median (orange points). It has the smallest sum of absolute residuals.
    3. \(\hat\varepsilon_i = Y_i - \hat\mu\) when \(\hat\mu\) is the sample mean (red points). It has the smallest sum of squared residuals.
  • For better or for worse, the sum of squared residuals is the criterion we tend to use.

\[ \textcolor{red}{\hat \mu} = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{numbers}\ m} \sum_{i=1}^n \qty{ Y_i - m }^2 \quad \text{ is the \textbf{least squares estimate}} \]


  • The argmin of a function is the argument at which the function is minimized. \[ \hat\mu = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{m} \ f(m) \quad \iff \quad f(\hat\mu) = \min_m \ f(m) \]
  • Here that function is the sum of squared residuals, \(f(m) = \sum_{i=1}^n \qty{ Y_i - m }^2\).

The Least Squares Location Summary

\[ \hat \mu = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{numbers}\ m} \sum_{i=1}^n \qty{ Y_i - m }^2 \quad \text{ satisfies the \textbf{zero-derivative condition} } \] \[ \begin{aligned} 0 &= \frac{d}{dm} \sum_{i=1}^n \qty{ Y_i - m }^2 \ \ \mid_{m=\hat\mu} \\ &= \class{fragment}{\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{d}{dm} \qty{ Y_i - m }^2 \ \ \mid_{m=\hat\mu}} \\ &= \class{fragment}{\sum_{i=1}^n -2 \qty{ Y_i - m } \ \ \mid_{m=\hat\mu}} \\ &= \class{fragment}{\sum_{i=1}^n -2 \qty{ Y_i - \hat\mu }} \end{aligned} \]

  • This says the least squares residuals \(\hat\varepsilon = Y_i - \hat \mu\) sum to zero.
  • With a bit of algebra, this tells us that the least squares estimator \(\hat\mu\) is the sample mean.

\[ \begin{aligned} &0 = \class{fragment}{\sum_{i=1}^n -2\qty{ Y_i - \hat\mu }} && \text{ when } \\ &\class{fragment}{2\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i = 2\sum_{i=1}^n \hat\mu = 2n\hat\mu} && \text{ and therefore when } \\ &\class{fragment}{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i = \hat\mu} \end{aligned} \]

  • It’s not just the best choice of the 3 location summaries we’ve looked at.
  • It’s the best choice — in terms of the sum of squared errors criterion — of all numbers outright.

Two Locations: Regression with a Binary Covariate

  • Suppose we have two groups: people in our sample with 8 and 12 years of education.
  • We can find the best location for each using this criterion of minimizing squared residuals.
  • We can think of the column means \(\hat\mu(x)\) as the best function of x for predicting y.
    • That is, the best function of years of education for predicting income.
    • Where best means the one that minimizes the sum of squared residuals.

\[ \hat \mu(x) = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{functions}\ m(x)} \sum_{i=1}^n \qty{ Y_i - m(X_i) }^2 \]

Two Locations: Regression with a Binary Covariate

  • Why? Recall that a function of \(X\) is just a number for each value of \(X\).
  • So to see that the sub-sample means are the solution, we can break our sum into pieces where \(X\) is the same.

\[ \hat \mu(x) = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{functions}\ m(x)} \sum_{i:X_i=8} \{ Y_i - m(8) \}^2 + \sum_{i:X_i=12} \{ Y_i - m(12) \}^2 \]

  • And observe that the first sum depends only on \(m(8)\) and the second only on \(m(12)\).
    • So we get \(\hat\mu(8)\) by minimizing squared residuals in the \(X=8\) column.
    • And we get \(\hat\mu(12)\) by minimizing squared residuals in the \(X=12\) column.
  • The minimizers — which we can solve for exactly as before — are the means in each column.

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat \mu(8) &= \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{numbers}\ m} \sum_{i:X_i=8} \{ Y_i - m \}^2 = \frac{\sum_{i:X_i=8} Y_i}{\sum_{i:X_i=8} 1 } \\ \hat \mu(12) &= \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{numbers}\ m} \sum_{i:X_i=12} \{ Y_i - m \}^2 = \frac{\sum_{i:X_i=12} Y_i}{\sum_{i:X_i=12} 1 } \end{aligned} \]

Many Locations: Regression with a Multiple or Many-Valued Covariates

  • There’s nothing special about two locations. We can do this for as many locations as we like.

  • We break our sum into pieces where \(X\) is the same. \[ \hat \mu(x) = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{functions}\ m(x)} \sum_x \sum_{i:X_i=x} \{ Y_i - m(x) \}^2 \]

  • And we get the best location at each \(x\), in terms of squared residuals, by minimizing each piece.

  • The solution is, as before, the mean of each subsample.

\[ \hat \mu(x) = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{numbers}\ m} \sum_{i:X_i=x} \{ Y_i - m \}^2 = \frac{\sum_{i:X_i=x} Y_i}{\sum_{i:X_i=x} 1 } \]


  • When we coarsen, we’re in effect restricting the set of functions we’re considering.
  • We’re restricting them to be functions of the coarsened groups \(c(x)\), i.e. the color in the plot.
  • Now we break our sum into pieces where the coarsened group \(c(x)\) is the same.

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat \mu(c(x)) &= \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{functions}\ m(c(x)) } \sum_{c(x)} \sum_{i:c(X_i)=c(x)} \{ Y_i - m(c(x)) \}^2 \\ &= \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{functions}\ m(c(x)) } \textcolor[RGB]{248,118,109}{\sum_{i:c(X_i)=\text{red}} \{ Y_i - m(\text{red}) \}^2} + \textcolor[RGB]{0,191,196}{\sum_{i:c(X_i)=\text{green}} \{ Y_i - m(\text{green}) \}^2} \end{aligned} \]

  • And we get the best location at each coarsened \(x\), in terms of squared error, by minimizing each piece.
  • And the solution is the mean of each coarsened group.

\[ \hat \mu(x) = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{\text{numbers}\ m} \sum_{i:c(X_i)=c(x)} \{ Y_i - m \}^2 = \frac{\sum_{i:c(X_i)=c(x)} Y_i}{\sum_{i:c(X_i)=c(x)} 1 } \]

  • This says the prediction we make at each \(x\) is the mean of the \(y\) values in the coarsened group it belongs to.

Least Squares Regression

  • We can think of both uncoarsened and coarsened subsample means as least squares estimators.
  • Each is the best choice, within some set of functions, for predicting \(Y\) from \(X\).
  • But the set of functions we’re choosing from is different in each case.
    • In the uncoarsened case, we’re choosing from all functions of \(X\).
    • In the coarsened case, we’re choosing from functions of the coarsened \(X\).
    • We could consider other sets of functions as well.

\[ \hat\mu = \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{m \in \mathcal{M}} \sum_{i=1}^n \{ Y_i - m(X_i) \}^2 \qquad \text{ where } \quad \mathcal{M} \ \ \text{ is our model.} \]

Least Squares Regression in Linear Models

Least Squares Regression

  • Regression, generally, is choosing a function of covariates \(X_i\) to predict outcomes \(Y_i\).
  • We choose from a set of functions \(\mathcal{M}\) that we call a regression model.

\[ Y_i \approx \hat\mu(X_i) \qfor \hat\mu \in \mathcal{M} \]

  • In this class, we’ll choose by least squares. We can do this for any model we like.

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat\mu &= \mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}_{m \in \mathcal{M}} \sum_{i=1}^n \{ Y_i - m(X_i) \}^2 \qfor && \textcolor{red}{\mathcal{M}} = \qty{ \text{all functions} \ m(x) } \\ &&& \textcolor{blue}{\mathcal{M}} = \qty{ \text{all lines} \ m(x) = a + bx } \\ &&& \textcolor{magenta}{\mathcal{M}} = \qty{ \text{all increasing functions} \ m(x) } \\ &&& \textcolor{cyan}{\mathcal{M}} = \qty{ \text{all functions of an indicator} \ m(x)=f(1_{\ge 16}(x))} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Least Squares in Linear Models

  • We’re going to focus on choosing from linear models.
    • These are sets of functions that are ‘closed’ under addition, subtraction, and scaling by constants.
    • This means when we add, subtract, and scale functions in the model, we get another function in the model. \[ a(x), b(x) \in \mathcal{M}\implies a(x) + b(x), a(x) - b(x), c a(x) \in \mathcal{M}\quad \text{ for any constant $c$ } \]
  • Q. Which of these models are linear?

\[ \begin{aligned} \textcolor{red}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ \text{all functions} \ m(x) } \\ \textcolor{blue}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ \text{all lines} \ m(x)=a + bx } \\ \textcolor{magenta}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ \text{all increasing functions} \ m(x) } \\ \textcolor{cyan}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ \text{all functions of an indicator} \ m(x)=f(1_{\ge 16}(x))} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Multivariate Regression Models

A few examples.

Additive Models

White only Black only Asian only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander only (HP)

  • Here we let our predictions be arbitrary functions of education (\(x\)) as before.
  • But we’re requiring that race (\(w\)) only shift that function up and down—it can’t change the function’s shape.
  • The result, in visual terms, are predictions for different values of \(w\) are ‘parallel curves’.

\[\small{ \begin{aligned} \textcolor{blue}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ m(w,x) = m_0(w) + m_1(x) \ \ \text{for univariate functions} \ \ m_0, m_1 } &&\text{additive bivariate model} \\ \end{aligned} } \]

The Parallel Lines Model

White only Black only Asian only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander only (HP)

  • Here we impose the additional restriction that the function of education (\(x\)) is a line.
  • This means that the predictions for different values of \(w\) are parallel lines: same slope, different intercepts.

\[\small{ \begin{aligned} \textcolor{red}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ m(w,x) = a(w) + b x } &&\text{parallel lines} \\ \end{aligned} } \]

The Not-Necessarily-Parallel Lines Model

White only Black only Asian only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander only (HP)

  • Here we stick with the lines thing, but drop the additivity restriction.
  • For each value of \(w\), we can get a totally different line—different intercept and slope.

\[\small{ \begin{aligned} \textcolor{magenta}{\mathcal{M}} &= \qty{ m(w,x) = a(w) + b(w) x } &&\text{lines} \\ \end{aligned} } \]

Where This Leaves Us

White only Black only Asian only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander only (HP)

  • Each of these approaches allows us to make predictions everywhere—even in columns we haven’t sampled.
  • Fundamentally, it’s because they’re using information from one column to make predictions in another.
  • Q. This solves the empty-groups problem, but it introduces a new one. What is it?
  • A. We’re basing our predictions on assumptions about what \(\mu\) looks like.
  • If we’re wrong, our predictions will be wrong. It’ll bias our estimates of \(\mu(x)\).

Where We’re Going

White only Black only Asian only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander only (HP)

  • There’s no right model to use. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
  • In the next couple weeks, we’ll look into the issues surrounding model choice.
    • Implications of bad model choice.
    • A good model to use by default.
    • How to choose a model automatically.


A Small Dataset

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

  • Researchers hypothesize that higher calcium intake causes greater bone density (stronger bones).
  • Bone density scores indicate how good someone’s bone density is.
    • 3 is typical, larger numbers are better, smaller numbers are worse
    • a score of 0.5 or lower is used to diagnose osteoporosis.
  • Patients in our sample are classified as old (age 65+) or young (age 64-).
    • We’ll call this \(X_i\): \(X_i=0\) if patient \(i\) is young, \(X_i=1\) if patient \(i\) is old.
  • Each patient in our sample regularly takes a calcium supplement or not.
    • We’ll call this \(W_i\): \(W_i=1\) if patient \(i\) takes calcium supplement, \(W_i=0\) if they do not.

The Horizontal Lines Model

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

Sketch in the least squares predictor in the horizontal lines model.

\[ \mathcal{M} = \qty{ m(w,x) = a(w) \ \ \text{for univariate functions} \ \ a } \]

Flip a slide forward to check your answer.

The Not-Necessarily-Parallel Lines Model

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

Sketch in the least squares predictor in the not-necessarily-parallel lines model.

\[ \mathcal{M} = \qty{ m(w,x) = a(w) + b(w) x \ \ \text{for univariate functions} \ \ a,b } \]

Flip a slide forward to check your answer.

The Parallel Lines Model

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

Sketch in the least squares predictor in the parallel lines model.

\[ \mathcal{M} = \qty{ m(w,x) = a(w) + b x \ \ \text{for univariate functions} \ \ a \ \ \text{and constants} \ \ b } \]

Flip a slide forward to check your answer.

The Additive Model

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Young Old Proportion

Sketch in the least squares predictor in the additive model. \[ \mathcal{M} = \qty{ m(w,x) = a(w) + b(x) \ \ \text{for univariate functions} \ \ a,b } \]

Flip a slide forward to check your answer. Is what you’ve drawn familiar? If so, why?

  • It’s the same as the parallel lines model.
    • When \(x\) takes on two values, all functions of \(x\) can be written as lines.
    • Adding a function of \(w\) to it, we get different—but parallel—lines for different values of \(w\).